Fruit flies are not just pesky insects that fly around in your house. They are potentially dangerous pests. Fruit flies are known to carry several diseases, meaning their prevention and extermination are vital to maintaining the health of your home.
There are basically two different ways to prevent fruit flies. The first one is to be more careful regarding how you treat your environment. The second way is to use home remedies such as pesticides, etc. The following list shows some steps you can take for fruit fly prevention.
If you have tried all or most of the fruit fly prevention methods and the problem persists, then you will need to consider professional pest control methods.
If fruit flies are still infesting your property, this means they have found a place to reproduce. Fruit flies usually reproduce in “out of the way” places on your property. These areas need to be located to eliminate fruit flies properly.
The next step would be trying out the various products on the market today for fly prevention, such as pesticides. Usually, when the word pesticides are mentioned, people tend to get uncomfortable. However, the market today is filled with alternative options, or, more natural remedies for a fruit fly infestation.
Just when you thought you may have control over the fruit fly situation in your home, it turns out that there is much more than meets the eye. There are several different varieties of fruit flies. Each one has its own MO, making it more difficult to identify and get rid of them. Summer and autumn are peak seasons for most fruit flies. Fruit flies are quite intelligent and resourceful. Fruit flies usually infest kitchens, but lay eggs at another location. From eggs to complete adults, fruit flies only take about 10 days to mature. Some species of fruit flies are capable of surviving winter, even in the outdoors.
If these facts regarding fruit flies and fly prevention sound confusing, then you are not alone. Dealing with pests of any kind is usually not an easy task. Even if you were to read up on all the material regarding fruit fly prevention, implementing it and succeeding is an entirely different matter. If these facts regarding fruit flies sound confusing, then you are not alone. Dealing with pests of any kind is usually not an easy task. Even if you were to read up on all the material regarding fruit fly prevention, implementing it and succeeding is an entirely different matter.
Calling the experts will pay off in the long run. A company like McDonald Pest Control has the expertise, experience, and equipment to tackle fruit fly prevention. All you need to do is give us a call today at (727) 734-0963 and set up an appointment. One of our team members will come to your house to do a close inspection and implement a specific strategy to rid your property of fruit flies.