Lawn Treatment & Shrub Spraying
Fertilizer | Insecticide | Broad Leaf Weed Control
Keeping your
Lawn & Shrubs Pest Free & Green
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About Our Lawn Treatment and Shrub Spraying Services
McDonald Pest Control offers monthly Lawn Fertilization, Insecticide & Broad Leaf Weed Control. Our year-round program includes organic fertilization, treating turf damaging insects such as Chinch Bugs and Mole Crickets, and treating Broad Leaf weeds such as match weed, dollar weed. New Sod Installs welcomed. Customer must have irrigation in place for our program to be effective. Call to schedule today.
McDonald Pest Control offers shrub fertilizer and insecticide programs for all size properties. If your shrubs are in need of fertilizer and help with keeping bugs away, choose one of our monthly programs to keep them covered all year round.
Discounts available if you combine your shrub service with our Lawn Program. Call to schedule today.
McDonald Pest Control is proud to offer Palm Tree Fertilization and Insecticide Programs. Florida landscape includes a variety of Palm Trees and our experts know exactly what it takes to keep them healthy and strong. Looking for a company with knowledge, expertise and that cares of for our landscapes, call us today.
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