Bed Bug Heat Treatment
Extermination Experts
Learn why bed bug Heat Treatment is the
Most Effective Form of Bed Bug Treatment
Eliminating bed bugs can be a chore, which is why using the best treatment available should always be your one and only choice. Chemical treatments have proven to be ineffective in many cases. When they are effective, it typically takes weeks for the bed bugs to be completely eliminated.
Heat treatments, on the other hand, are extremely successful in killing every bed bug in your home or business very quickly because they are unable to survive in temperatures exceeding 120°F.
There are a few great benefits of
Choosing a Bed Bug Heat Treatment
The treatment is completed in a single day
Eradicates all bed bugs regardless of developmental stage
Heat reaches bed bugs hidden in areas you can’t see
Minimal Preparation Required
Could a bed bug heat treatment damage my house?
McDonald’s Pest Control takes necessary safety precautions by utilizing state-of-the-art heating units during a bed bug heat treatment that self-regulate and will shut off automatically if the temperature rises above 130°F. Multiple real-time wireless sensors are also used to remotely monitor the area, which provides a detailed report once the heat treatment has finished. Because of these precautions, your home is safe at all times.
Is a DIY heat treatment effective?
You can’t simply spray pesticides in and around your home to get rid of bed bugs, nor can you set up traps to make them go away. The most common problem with do-it-yourself solutions is the failure to eliminate all of the bed bugs due to their ability to hide in out-of-reach places, which means that after a short period of time, you’ll have another infestation on your hands. In more extreme cases, an attempt to mimic the type of bed bug heat treatment utilized by our experts can result in fires.
Are my electronics in danger from the heat treatment?
In this day and age of electronics being commonplace throughout various areas of your home or business, it is understandable that you might be concerned for certain devices since intense heat is being applied during this form of treatment. However, keep in mind that since electronics typically operate between 120-180°F and our equipment shuts off at 135°F, your electronics will be perfectly safe during the treatment.
Would it be better to remove my electronics just in case?
While you may think that removing your electronics in order to play it safe is the right way to go, it is normal for bed bugs to hide inside electronics because there are plenty of areas that they can squeeze into. By removing these electronic components, you’re at risk of bed bugs infesting your property after the treatment is completed. If this occurs, their life cycle will start all over again.
Before the heat treatment, which items should I remove?
Although your electronics will be safe, there are several types of items that must be removed prior to a bed bug heat treatment to prevent damage or harm. Here is a quick list of what should be taken out of your home or business:
- Household pets, including fish
- Fruits and vegetables
- Meltable foods (chocolate, for example)
- Prescription and over-the-counter drugs
- Pressurized containers (fire extinguishers, hairspray, etc.)
- Flammable items (alcohol, solvents, etc.)
- Wax objects (candles, lipstick, etc.)
- Stringed instruments
- Family heirlooms
- Houseplants
- Cosmetic items
Do I need to prepare anything else prior to treatment?
During the bed bug heat treatment, large fans will be set up in order to distribute the heat more quickly and effectively. Therefore, if you have any loose paper, glass items, desk photos, paintings, wall-mounted items, or anything similar, you should definitely put these in a secure location until the treatment is complete.
Contact McDonald Pest Control for Bed Bug Heat Treatment
McDonald Pest Control has extensive experience locating bed bugs on your property and effectively treating them with heat treatments. Contact us today at 727-734-0963 to schedule a free consultation for bed bug heat treatment.
Bed Bug
Heat Treatment
Heat Treatment – K9 Inspections – Prevention Maintenance
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