February 6, 2023

Unique Pest Control Tips to Keep Your Property Free of Pests

Pest Control Tips from McDonald Pest Control If you own any kind of property, routine pest control services are an absolute necessity. Even if your cleaning […]
January 27, 2023

The Best Way to Check Your Bed for Bed Bugs

How to Check for Bed Bugs in Your Mattress and Bed Do you suspect you have bed bugs in your room? Perhaps you’ve woken up with […]
January 14, 2023

The Best Building Materials Resistant to Termites

Termite-Resistant Wood for Building or Renovating Your Home Some Florida residents take pride in the homes they’ve built or renovated for themselves. After your home or […]
December 21, 2022

How to Kill Termites in Wood Around Your House

How to Kill and Prevent Termites in Wood Are you wondering how to kill termites in wood? Well, you’re not alone. Most people struggle to get […]