Residential & Commercial
Personalized Pest Solutions
Interior | Exterior | Prevention Programs
Pest Control Palm Harbor
Personalized Pest Solutions
Did you know that McDonald Pest Control offers a full spectrum of Pest control for your home, business and rental properties? With treatment programs for Rodents, Termites, German Roaches, Bed Bugs, Lawn Fertilization & Insecticide, we can take care of any pest concern you may have inside and out. Services available – Pest Control Palm Harbor, Florida. Call today to get started.
Our Services
Our general pest program includes an initial service treating the interior and exterior of your home, followed by a regularly scheduled maintenance program treating the exterior only. This program provides a continued barrier around your home to prevent pest entry.
Our German Roach programs are tailored to fit the level of German roach activity. Some cases dealing with an extremely heavy infestation will require multiple services where others may only need a two – three-week application. The price of the service is tailored to fit your needs and your pocket.
Whether you need a one-time treatment or continued flea control service, our programs are tailored to fit your needs. We offer interior & exterior services to treat fleas inside and outside of your home.
Our services range from a single application in cases where needed to regularly scheduled ant control. It is our goal to locate the source of the problem in order to permanently eliminate the ants.
Our Mosquito Control and Maintenance programs have become a lifesaver for so many customers that enjoy their backyards and spending time outdoors. We offer a peak season programs as well as year-round control.
Special Services
Combine any regular pest program with our one of kind rodent baiting station programs. Your technician will install bait stations and maintain them to control rodent the rodent population on your property. For more about our Rodent programs clear here:Rodent Control
We offer a one-time pest control treatment for those in need of a quick pest application. This is only recommended for anyone who is not dealing with a current pest problem. Call our office to find out more.
McDonald Pest Control offers bee treatment and hive removal. If you have discovered a beehive is nesting on your property, call our office to get help. DO NOT try and remove yourself.
These stinging pest can cause havoc on you and your loved ones. Yellow jackets usually nest in the ground and with the ability to sting repeatedly, you can easily find yourself incapacitated from them. If you believe you have a wasp or yellow jacket nest on your property, call our office immediately to request service. DO NOT try and treat yourself.
Services for spider treatment and control is available on a one-time basis or can be added to any one of our regularly scheduled pest programs. Call our office to find out more.